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Patients Share Their Success Stories

I highly recommend Dr. Nuzum, my experience with him has been outstanding. After being his patient for more than two years, as of today I have experienced much improvement in my health. During these last two years of being Dr. Nuzum's patient, he has been like an alchemist of naturopathic medicine to me. All his probiotics and prebiotics made with his formula have a lot of healing effects. Because of how professional Dr. Nuzum is, how dedicated he is to his patients in his work, how attentive he is in his treatment with his patients, and his charisma, I want to highly recommend Dr. Nuzum to all of those who really want to improve their health, you will not regret having found someone as honest in his work as he is.
Marcelo O.
In just 4 months, all the challenges from leaky gut, interrupted sleep, sore throat and sinus infection have disappeared. And weight loss of 15 pounds brings me to my college weight! It’s been a joyful, healing journey. Thank you!
Dr. M
Prior to seeing Dr.Nuzum, I had heart failure and was completely exhausted. Dr. Nuzum listens and really cares about his patients. Other doctors I have worked with haven’t really cared about my whole health and listen to me just giving out medication. Dr. Nuzum has given me a whole body approach that has energized me and has stabilized and improved my heart condition. My heart was working at 10% and is currently working at 65%. I have more energy for my kids and grandkids! I can go do my sewing classes with my girlfriends and have the stamina to do the things I was able to do prior to my heart problem. He is very intelligent and caring, knows exactly what your body needs to heal and stay strong after the healing. I have always received answers to any questions with more information and explanation than I ever expected.
Carolyn H.
My son had severe food allergies, digestive issues, cyclical fevers and illness, eczema and boils all over his body, sensitivity to light, headaches, nausea, and extreme fatigue. As a mom, I felt hopeless, exhausted and unable to help my extremely ill son. He felt tired of having to deal with his health issues and the inability to do normal childhood activities.

Dr. Nuzum listened to us thoroughly, empathized with us and got right to work. He ran the appropriate tests and created a plan to heal my son's body. He takes a whole body approach - mental, emotional, and physical health. Dr. Nuzum explained what was happening with his body in a way no other doctor had done before. He explained what it would feel like as the healing started to take place in his body. He kept in touch with us and encouraged us at times weekly.

Dr. Nuzum gave us our life back! My son went from having 3 typed pages of food allergies and feeling miserable with a continuation of new food allergies daily, to having a sensitivity to just gluten and dairy within 6 months.

At this point, my son can tolerate gluten and dairy occasionally and we believe he will be completely healed from all food allergies. He has also been able to attend school regularly in person, be on sports teams, and go to his friend's house.

We have been able to take family vacations and go out to eat at a restaurant for the first time without having to cook a meal for him prior. For the first time in ten years, we have peace knowing he will be okay. Dr. Nuzum has changed our life! Anyone who is suffering should not wait because he has the compassion and knowledge to improve your life!
Matthew E.
My son and I significantly improved within a short period of time under Dr. Nuzum’s care. This is truly meaningful to us since we are not new-comers to receiving functional care. Among the variety of practitioners we have consulted, Dr. Nuzum stands out! Dr. Nuzum was able to quickly identify what individualized targeted support each of our bodies need. His many decades of experience clearly informs his assessments such that he is able to narrow in on the real issues and not waste time on what is not helpful. Within a few months, my son’s energy returned after being depleted for several years! And, he is now able to eat foods he has not eaten for a long time. For me, Dr. Nuzum honed in on the hormonal, nutritional and detox support needed by my body. Not only that, he speaks directly to my long-standing health-related fears and is helping me work through them. I pray that God richly blesses Dr. Nuzum and his family. Thank you, Doc!
Sarah M.
I was struggling with a leaky gut and had constipation, breakouts, and bloating before I started working with Dr. Nuzum. I felt extremely frustrated, helpless, desperate, and lacked confidence. Dr. Nuzum’s process of helping me address my leaky gut was different. His approach emphasized supplements to help build up my gut and would discuss how each part of my body is affected by my leaky gut. It definitely relieves symptoms. After doing his 21 day detox I haven’t had 1 gut-related breakout and now I’m able to go to the bathroom at least once per day. I still struggle with bloating but it’s not as severe as previously. I’m way more confident in myself due to my clear skin and fewer bloating spouts. I’m also able to consume some foods I wasn’t able to previously, as a result of my leaky gut, such as nuts. I’ve recommended Dr. Nuzum to so many people already just because I feel like he’s incredibly knowledgeable and genuinely cares about his patience. He’s helped me feel the best I’ve ever felt in the past 3 years and definitely couldn’t have done it without him.
Allyssa M.
2014 is when my life took a turn for the worse, and forever changed the person I have now become. It all started rather fast. I began to feel ill in every aspect of the word. My body cramped and ached so terribly that I barely could go up or down stairs, and many other activities were out of the question. I felt like I had the flu, I had no energy, extremely lethargic, and no motivation to do anything. Daily life became gloomy.

Things only seemed to continue to get worse when my efforts to get a diagnosis lay flat and were unsuccessful. Several doctors told me that nothing was wrong with me, and basically all was in my head, which then created more issues, and I became horribly depressed. However, eighteen doctors later including a bone marrow cancer scare, cancer screenings, a Mammogram, continuous blood work on a weekly basis and an MRI. As a result, they put me and my family through hell...why? Thankfully my OBGYN out of all doctors diagnosed me with Lupus.

I went to five Rheumatologist only be put on several high strength steroids and several Lupus medications. This created more issues and I got sicker. I started gaining weight, losing my hair, my skin color changed, I did not recognize myself anymore.

So, now twenty-three medical doctors later, I finally had a diagnosis, however, I was feeling worse from all the medications. They made me very ill. Thankfully, I married a man who would not accept the standard process of just allowing me to take more pills. He did the necessary research and found my healer, Dr. Nuzum.

Dr. Nuzum was the only doctor to ask and review our daily habits, especially our diet. Dr. Nuzum helped me to understand how to help my body heal itself. The results were powerful and profound.

I worked the program, did the protocol to the best of my ability, and he saved my life! I am now Lupus free for almost six months. Still working on the depression, however if it were not for this great healer, I do not know where I would be today.

The man is amazing. I will forever be thankful, and in debt to him for saving me, he saved my life! I’m also very thankful to my wonderful husband for finding this real-life treasure! Thank you Dr. Nuzum for everything!
Christie C.
My husband met Dr Nuzum at The Truth About Cancer Seminar. The Doc ended up speaking with him for over an hour. He was so impressed with his knowledge and wisdom in the health field. About 6 months later, in February 2017, I came down with an upper respiratory infection. I had it all, the sore throat, spiking fevers, running and stuffy nose, coughing and aches and pains. It zapped me for about 6 weeks. Normally, my weight is about 120-125lbs. I lost a few pounds during this time because I had no appetite. However, the scary part was that I seemed to be losing a few pounds every month, even though I was eating normal. When my weight dropped to 91 pounds, my husband got really concerned. I began experiencing chronic fatigue mixed with high anxiety. I also developed insomnia, which was crippling health wise.

A little over 15 years prior to this I was hospitalized with an unknown bacterial intestinal infection that led to a near death experience. I had been in the hospital for 6 months fighting for my life. The doctors had given up on me and said there was no hope. The health care system had failed us. It wasn’t until my husband discovered an alternative medicine doctor, that I was able to make a come-back.

In 2017 when I began losing the weight, all that previous trauma came flooding back. I didn’t want to go back into the healthcare system. I became fearful for my life. I felt like my life was slipping through my fingers. Dennis remembered his conversation with Dr Nuzum and we immediately reached out to schedule an appointment with him. From that point forward I had monthly consultations with Dr Nuzum for about 16 months.

I am thrilled to report that I am now gaining weight again. I have reached my goal of 122 pounds. His product formulations are incredible. The difference I have felt is astounding. My last bloodwork came back the best it has ever been! Dr Nuzum is an exceptional doctor. He really cares about you. And he works hard to get you back to a good place.

He answers your questions and takes his time explaining medical conditions and terminology, to make it easy for you to understand. He doesn’t just say, "take two aspirins and call me in the morning."I did have some other health concerns, all of which are fine now as well. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to work with Dr Nuzum and so appreciative of him for all of his help and guidance.